No, technology and internet is NOT designed to be a control device

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寮、 2022/11/07 — technology, internet

Once in a while I end up in a discussion over whether technology and internet was a grassroots invention or a control device made by the elites/obsoletes/freemasons/Jesuits/(Khazar fake )Jews/illuminazi/gloybalists/deep state/shadow government/glowniggers/howeveryouwanttocallit (I’ll call them “obsoletes” from here on, since it’s the most accurate description of who they are).
The simple answer is, it’s a grassroots invention, but later on got infiltrated by the bad guys and weaponized it against all the rest of us.

The people who make the claim that technology and internet (for convenience sake, I’ll refer technology and/or internet both as just “tech” from here on) is just a control device by the obsoletes are typically people who have probably never even seen a computer before until using the internet became mainstream in 2003-ish, so they’ve been here for long enough to know that MySpace existed before Fakebook, but definitely not long enough to know that the internet used to consist almost entirely of personal websites.
Before 2003, the internet was exclusively a nerd-only playground, you had to have knowledge about computers in order to even know how to connect to the internet in the first place.
And it’s pretty evident that those claiming that it’s a control device lack basic technological knowledge, not only boomers and zoomers, all generations included.

It’s just that the invention of soycial media in 2004 (Fakebook), 2006 (JewTube), or 2008 (Shitter) depending on which platform you came to first marked the start of a hostile takeover of the internet from the nerds to the obsoletes, and the internet stopped being this decentralized web of personal websites, and started becoming this centralized spider taking over everything creating ever taller barriers of entry to make it as impossible as possible for you to start your own website without having to depend on their tools, their languages, their infrastructure, their whatever.
And it’s still possible to do so, though at this point it’s only possible on the darknets, as the darknets are basically what the standard internet used to be.
There’s actually a reason why I said that darknet is the future of the internet.

If you just look at how many websoytes heavily depend on Cuckflare, one of the big 3 JS frameworks (Angular, React, Vue), one of the major SSL CA’s (Let’s Encrypt, Comodo, Cuckflare), surveillance (ads, trackers, ANALytics, CDNs, Goolag Tag Manager, soycial media share/like buttons, video embeds, image hotlinking), major email providers (GayMail, Hotmail/Outlook/Live, Yahoo, Protonmail), Discucked chat rooms, domain name registrars and the TLD owners, major VPS providers (AWS, GMO, Vultr, Linode, Digital Ocean), it’s pretty easy to see where they’re all coming from.
On the other hand, darknets just like the old internet don’t rely on any registrars, TLD owners, and SSL certificates, they may or may not use a VPS provider (you don’t have to, it’s very easy to host from your own home in a secure way) or Discucked, they might still use JS frameworks and surveillance, but most darknet-only sites don’t use it simply because its users are far more weary against the use of JS, so they disable it all the time, plus your average darknet user is much smarter than your average clearnet user anyway, so the surveillance gets mitigated before you even attempt to install them.

Speaking of which, did you realize how the darknet gets villified all the time by saying it’s filled with black markets, drug dealers, weapon sales, child porn, and so on?
While they do exist, most of these are glowie ops anyway, they’re just a tiny portion of the entire Onion routing, and only the dumb people would even fall for them.
But did you know they said the same thing about the regular internet back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s?
I still remember my mom going absolutely ape shit every time she saw anti-internet propaganda on TV and tried to make me stay away from it.
“Internet so dangerous, it’s full of child porn, drug dealers, weapon sales, and black markets.” or “The use of tech will make you blind.” or “Internet users are an infinite times more likely to commit suicide than those who don’t.” were extremely common messages in the mainstream media back then.
Sometimes entire documentaries were produced about how technology has literally destroyed somebody’s child life and traumatized them for life.
But then the Big Tech oligargs infiltrated tech, and all of the sudden it’s as necessary in every day life as eating breakfast.
Yea right…

You can easily see that the only reason they call it dangerous is because of the lack of regulation.
And the lack of regulation is exactly what has made the old internet and the current darknets so awesome in the first place!
In fact, if tech would have been regulated and owned by the obsoletes from day 1, it would have never gotten to where it is today.
It would have just been an extension to TV and the printing press and nothing else.

The way internet started was basically 2 frens connecting to each other over a telephone line or some shit.
Which is very different from how it would have been if it was started by some obsolete.
Hell, it even took governments ages to even learn what an internet even is, and all while they were still boomering around with a pen and paper, all the rest of us were communicating with one other over the internet already.
So really, don’t believe that internet is “their” technology, it really isn’t.
It only became so with the invention of soycial media, and similarily computers were never “their” technology until the invention of the iPhone.
It’s basically like saying that nature is a control device owned by the obsoletes because they started planting trees in Ueno park back in 2011, and then expanded to all sorts of parks worldwide since then, even though nature has already existed for bazillions of years.