I'm done with politics, back to the basics

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寮、 2022/10/27 — blog

Alright, I’m no longer going to concentrate on politics, spirituality, economics, and other non-tech stuff anymore.
Back when I started this blog, I wanted to stick to just technology, but running a website in English kind of pushes you down the political route, whereas running a website in Japanese makes you write about politics without even realizing it (for example, people putting up “to avoid infection by the fake covAIDS virus that doesn’t exist, blablabla”, even though the website has nothing to do with politics and/or so-called “health”).

And perhaps I’ll be getting fellow bi-lingual Japanese people responding with “if you don’t like it here, just move to a different country then”.
No, this is not how you solve problems, this is exactly how you avoid solutions to problems.
This is like a crazy old guy is screaming throughout the entire train like the 正しい根拠を言え uncle causing a headache to literally everyone, then you tell him to be quiet because you’re giving headaches to other passengers, and then other passengers will tell you “well if you don’t like it, just get off this train then”.

But anyway, I didn’t want to get in the direction of politics at first, then I went like “meh, occasionally going political doesn’t hurt”, but now it turned into an anarcho-/techpol/ kind of blog.
I want to stick to my original plans again, so I took the time to clean up this blog by removing everything that has nothing to do with technology.
This includes all the non-tech pages like the FALI DB, glossary, and the scams DB (I will still keep the scams that are related to technology though).
But don’t worry, I’ve made a separate darknet-only blog with all politics which I won’t update, and this is there for reference purposes only.
Tor, I2P

You can still tag me on SNS for all kinds of topics, though.
My stance on things hasn’t changed.
Also, I finally got rid of the useless “blog” tag in posts that don’t need it.

Oh yea, one more thing, while we’re on the topic of keeping promises, this website will become darknet-only again by the end of this year, so if you’re linking to anything on this blog, I appreciate it if you replace the “https://ryocafe.site” links with “http://asc7ewkcvat2wsoi5yuwkej5ukyrqqnpnzpj4u34r2jxnoxhnbx6yqad.onion” ones.
If your website happens to be on I2P, use “http://ryocafe.i2p/” instead, as Tor users can access the clearnet, while I2P users can’t.