Neutral sources don't exist

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寮、 2022/08/28 — news, technology, politics, entertainment

As I was reading through Digdeeper’s article about Wikipedia and its rather obvious bias towards auth-left, it reminded me to the whole what people define as “neutral” when it comes to information.
I’ll tell you right now, there is no such thing as “neutral” when it comes to information.

Information is nothing more than a glorified opinion people aren’t made to choose whether to agree or disagree with.
What your average mainstream media consooming normie would consider “neutral” is not what your average anti-Jewish Bitchute commenter would.
To an average mainstream media normie, anyone who’s not wearing a mask literally everywhere even if alone in their own home is considered “biased to the extreme right”, whereas to the people who joined the freedom protests throughout 2021, anyone who IS wearing a mask literally everywhere is considered “biased to the extreme left”.

Even the “neutral” technology oriented people will always have a bias.
Even those who try to give Linux, BSD, WinDOS, macOS, FreeDOS, ReactOS, RISC-OS, TempleOS, Haiku, and all the other operating systems an equal chance, maybe in the short term they will, but sooner or later they’ll start picking priorities.
I’m biased towards Linux, because that’s what I’ve been using since I was a child, though I’ve been exploring the BSD side a little for a while, but in the end, I just use Linux more than BSD, so my bias ends up catering towards Linux, more specifically Arch-based Linux distro’s, even more specifically Artix Linux.

Unix Sheikh for example, even though he loves both Linux and BSD, and states that distro’s and variants don’t really matter as much, you can easily see he’s more biased towards OpenBSD and writing code entirely by yourself.
Loli frog used to be biased towards Mankojaro for quite some time, but even she switched over to Artix, and even though she tries her best to include installation processes for as many Linux distro’s and since recently BSD variants as possible, her videos do suggest a greater bias towards Mankojaro (well, the older videos, she doesn’t seem to be uploading videos as much as she used to).
Luke Smith is more biased towards Artix Linux and minimalist software, and he openly admits to it too.
Mental Outlaw is more biased towards Gentoo and security, he does state that he’s using Linux Mint as well, most of his non-news videos are done on Gentoo.
The people at It’s FOSS are clearly biased towards Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based distro’s.
And on and on it goes.

And don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing bad about that, it’s actually a good thing to have a bias towards something.
Having a bias is a very human thing to have, it shows you have expertise in that certain field or subject, a bias is what makes you you.
This is why I’m running a blog, this is why so many others are running a blog or video channel or soycial media account(s), or a community.
Your bias caters to a like minded audience, your audience are those who really like you.

The problem however is people who seek neutrality, find bias, and think it’s neutral because that source said so.
If I were to find a neutral Linux blogger, every single tutorial would have been spammed with a wall of different installation processes for all the thousands of different distro’s.
And the blogger will soon realize that maintaining them all is too much of a hassle, and will reduce to just the most popular distro’s, then it’s still a hassle, and will just settle to the one distro the blogger is using.
This is not a bad thing, it’s just normal.

No, the fiction checkers over at Snopes aren’t neutral, they’re biased towards the covAIDS cultists.
No, ZeroHedge isn’t neutral, it’s biased towards the dissidents.
No, Dollar Vigilante isn’t neutral, he’s biased towards anarcho-capitalists and Mexico.
No, Gab is not a neutral platform, it’s (over the top) biased towards the Christian boomers.
No, Twitter is not a neutral platform, it’s far too biased towards the woke outrage mobs.
No, Mastodon.soycial isn’t a neutral platform, it’s biased towards soycial “““justice””” warriors on the left.

They all might call themselves to be “neutral” or “speaking the truth” (depending on the kind of audience), but in the end they all have a certain bias, whether they see it or not.