My VPN service is better than yours!

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寮、 2022/06/30 — technology, internet, privacy

This blog post is sponsored by NordVPN/SurfShark/TorVPN/ProtonVPN/some other bottom-tier VPN service.
You can get a -200% discount if you sign up using my referal…FUCK OFF!!

These VPN services need JewTube shills in order to survive simply because they all suck, they all spy on you despite claiming otherwise (even though they all got caught many times before).

Instead of relying on a VPN service, you’ll need to learn how to make your own VPN service.
That’s right, one that only you can access!


  • Nobody blocks you, because no bad actors have used your VPN’s IP address before.
  • No one is spying on you, because you’re in control of the servers yourself.


  • No discount available from JewTubers.

Set up

I recommend Vultr as the VPS provider, they’re cheap, have many server locations to choose from, and they’re pretty good.
You can also pay with a limited number of cryptocurrencies, though still not with Monero because they’re using BitPay as a middlemen.
Just set up the cheapest possible VPS server, which is $ 5 USD a month, you really don’t need anything more than that!
I do recommend you pick OpenBSD as the OS for maximum security.

Once set up, log into the server via SSH, and immediately change the root password from there.
Now on your local PC (if you haven’t done yet), execute:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "mypc"

Just press enter on every single prompt without filling anything out.
Now copy your SSH public key:

cat .ssh/

Now on your server in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, paste your public key.

Now that’s done, we can safely disable logging into the server using a password, as you won’t be able to log into this server unless your SSH keys match.

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find “PasswordAuthentication yes”, uncomment that line, and change “yes” into “no”.
And save it.

Using the VPN

So now you too get an actually good VPN, the way to enabling it is, on your local PC:

ssh -D 7777 -q -C -N -f root@(SERVER IP)

And then in the proxy configuration of each application or your network manager, use a SOCKS5 proxy, hostname is, and port number is 7777.
Now all what’s left is to check whether your IP address is that of the VPS you’re going through.