Maybe it's time for me to switch from Linux to BSD

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寮、 2022/11/26 — technology, computer, linux, bsd

Some of you know that I accidentally hurt a BSD user’s feelings when I posted a loli on SNS.
A guy (not going to call names, so feel free to search through my Pleroma account if you REALLY need to know) basically went from being a cool and chill guy, to a crying manbaby REEEEing over just a drawing, to a commie snitch tagging random people who had nothing to do with anything as part of a crusade to force them to block and mute me like if they wouldn’t be capable of making up their own mind.
But don’t worry, it’s just 1 user out of the millions, and everything good will have mentally unstable users in the end.

My charger for a laptop I recently bought at a junkyard will arrive today, so I’ll be exploring FreeBSD (or well, GhostBSD, which if FreeBSD with an actually working X server) more.
My experience with OpenBSD so far is much more positive than with Devuan when it comes to servers.
If I like FreeBSD enough, then maybe it’ll be time to change from Linux to BSD.

Debian is a mess because of SoystemD, Devuan is a mess due to the lack of SoystemD (because so many web applications are designed with SoystemD in mind), and OpenBSD feels just right, it has its own webserver, SMTP server, and other awesome tools as part of the OS (only disabled by default), and since these are tools developed by the same team, they work great with one other.
On the Artix side of things, I still like the distro, still having 0 problems with that, and I’m planning on continuing to use it.
The problem I’m having isn’t necessarily the distro’s or Linux itself, Linux will forever have a special place in my heart because I grew up with it, up to middle school I didn’t even know anything other than Linux, which by itself is quite a deal considering I happen to grew up in a very Microshaft-centric island nation in the far east of Asia, but it’s all thanks to the fact my father was a system administrator having to deal with all sorts of operating systems throughout his carreer.
If you wonder why “was”, he’s retired, it’s an old guy after all.

But anyway, I’m going too much offtopic.
I thought of changing to BSD because my experience with OpenBSD on servers has been way nicer, and my bit of experience with FreeBSD until the laptop’s battery died was very nice too.
It’s just like what Unix Sheikh said, BSD feels like a complete operating system (because it is) where everything clicks, whereas Linux feels more like a bunch of lego blocks being glued togetheer by a distro.
Well, the strong point of Linux is that it’s so modular, so you can simply replace each individual part for another one.
On the other hand, this can sometimes result in some pretty loony bugs.

The other reason is Richard Stallman, he’s right on everything when it comes to technology, but a total idiot when it comes to everything else.
The GNU project served its purpose well, but the core utils are just bloat, powerful, but bloat.

And another reason is Linus Torvalds, he used to be really based in the old days, but then a troon successfully managed to destroy him so much that he took a break for a couple of months.
But when he came back, it just wasn’t the same guy anymore.
Back in 2010 he admitted that the Linux kernel was a bloated mess, and we need to make it smaller, and then post troon-bullying he decided that bloat doesn’t matter because “hardware got faster”, as a user of decades old hardware myself, this alone hurts a lot.
Then he lashed out at somebody who rightfully so was concerned about enforcing statist propaganda at an event where it doesn’t belong, Torvald’s response was to just shut the fuck up and get poisoned like a good government slave.
I wonder if he regrets having said that by now, and now, anyone who supported this PROPRIETARY!! poison jab, forced wearing of face diapers, and the whole fake virus that doesn’t even exist, and didn’t wake up by early 2022 don’t deserve any forgiveness, they all shall get what they fucking deserve!
I was willing to forgive those who had a rude awakening, but after a series of real life events with these covAIDS cultists in and around Tokyo, I decided that they too fucked up forever (which is also why I refuse to give NomadBSD and NetBSD any hope).
The final nail in the coffin was the addition of Rust into the kernel.
I don’t like or dislike Rust as a language, simply because I never even worked with it, but I do believe that Rust should be kept in userland, it has no place in the kernel, the kernel shall remain purely C.
ASM should be better, but given the many architectures the kernel has to support combined with the lines of code, it might be unrealistic.

Oh yea, corporations having infiltrated Linux is yet another reason for me to go to BSD.
The Linux folks no longer seems to be serving a mission of having a free and open source world, a bunch of them are now there to serve globohomo big tech agendas.
The open letter drops some great redpills. Unless you’re using a distro without SoystemD, using Linux no longer feels like running a free and open source alternative to proprietary peasant OS’s, it now feels more like running a freeware version of those proprietary peasant OS’s.
So if you really want to stay on Linux, at the very least run some distro that’s openly against SoystemD like Artix or Devuan.
Void is nice, but they’re not explicitely against SoystemD, they only don’t use it because musl doesn’t work with SoystemD.
Gentoo is another nice one, but only the OpenRC version, they also have a SoystemD version, so be careful with that one.
I heard some good words on Obarun, which is another Arch-based SoystemD-free distro, but from the 5 minutes of their forums I’ve seen that not only do they spend their time mocking Arch, they are mocking Artix as well.
I wouldn’t recommend antiX simply because of their left wing extremist agenda.

As much as I’d prefer the forever Linux additude, this proves once again that there is no such a thing as “forever”.
Eventually it’s going to be time to change ship as it’s starting to form holes at some point in time.
And I guess the red devil and yellow fugu are going to be my new friends rather than the penguin with its pink spiral/not so pink boomerang, blue triangle(s), orange circles, green rectangles, silver fish, or whatever mascot your distro of choice is using.
And while the BSDs are much more resistant to such bullshit, it’s always a good idea to prepare to eventually be switching to Plan 9, AT&T UNIX, TempleOS, MikeOS, or even FreeBSD and one of its forks with a GUI (yes, these actually exist).

Oh well, enough ranting, I guess my next blog will be me giving my opinion on FreeBSD, and perhaps the final conclusion of whether I decided to switch or ditch (spoiler alert: no spoilers because I don’t know yet).
But even if I switch, I’ll still keep at least 1 Artix and 1 Devuan machine, because again Linux does still have a special place in my heart for the fact I grew up with it from the very beginning, but also for compatibility reasons because as a developer I still want to make sure my stuff runs across as many Unix-like systems as possible (except for macOS, iOS, Android, and Chrome OS, I don’t mind not supporting these).