J-Government will require manga artists to dox themselves to the entire world from next year

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寮、 2022/09/17 — politics, manga, privacy

A little emergency article this time.
In case you didn’t know yet, Japanese manga artists are some of the most anonymous professions in the world that is still allowed by governments to remain anonymous.
However, starting October next year, it’s going to be the most doxxed profession.

Article by Reclaim the Net is here.
It’s in an archive, because they use Cuckflare, so I put it into an archive to make it readable for those of us who value privacy.

Before we begin, I want to say that it’s kind of expected they’d do so, considering how all governments worldwide want to get rid of privacy and anonymity all at the same time, and go into the direction that you need a digital ID in order to use the internet, because you’ll own nothing and be “““happy””” (happy depression).

Ultimately, all this will do is you’ll end up with far less entertainment.
The majority of the manga artists and Vtubers will dump their publishing companies and go underground, they’ll be exclusively on Tor and I2P, and only accept Monero.
And the remaining few that “have nothing to hide” will go woke, have no money left to put food on their table because nobody will want to read woke garbage, and they’ll need to consider going underground as well, or otherwise learn to code.

The new invoice system has raised privacy concerns among virtual YouTubers, manga Artists, and others in online pseudonym-heavy occupations who may prefer to keep their real names private.

This is absolutely true.
Especially now with cancer culture being so rampant, hiding your real name is more important than ever.

When asked about the system by Citizen’s Liaison Group For Tax and Justice

I’ll interupt you here for a bit.
What the fuck is “Tax and Justice”!?
Tax is literally another way of saying “extortion by a criminal mafia through force and coersion”.
In no way this is considered “justice” in my opinion.
But it’s government, so everything they say is backwards.

the ministry of finance did not provide satisfactory answers. It said that it is not concerned about privacy-related issues, because it does not believe the real name of a person as “highly risky personal information.” The ministry added that it chose the name instead of phone numbers or addresses for that reason.

Someone needs to cancel that motherfucker by looking up their personal history by their real name, maybe then they’ll change their mind on real names “not being highly risky personal information”.
Yes it fucking is!
Unless your name is something extremely common like “Tanaka” (田中), “Yamada” (山田), or “Takahashi” (高橋), real names are extremely risky.
If your real name is known, the woke outrage mobs WILL use that to cancel you.
This is especially true for someone like a manga artist, which make as much money as they do exactly for the work that will get them canceled.

I do give them credit to recognize that phone numbers or addresses are more risky, but it’s still choosing between being killed with an AK-47 or a Kalashnikov.
As soon as it becomes possible to dox you, that’s the end of your career.

The ministry said that the database is for commercial use and will make it easy for companies that deal with many clients to verify invoices in bulk.

It’s way easier to deal with anonymous invoices than with “verified” ones though.
Clearly this has nothing to do to make company’s lives easier, and everything about extorting people who would otherwise be left the fuck alone.

Critics have argued that the government is prioritizing the convenience of large companies over privacy.

And tyranny always comes under the guise of convenience.

Verified invoices are voluntary. However, freelancers might have to use the system to retain work.

Very classic government way of thinking.
“You don’t have to jump off the cliff, but if you don’t, then you’ll be left with no food.”
So translation: it’s mandatory.

And then comes the tactic we’ve seen with the MyNumber soystem already here in Japan, and the lethal injections in the rest of the world.
Getting a MyNumber card was optional, but they started making it more and more required, first by incentivising the public into getting one by giving them extra’s, and if that doesn’t work, they’ll make it mandatory to have one or be cut off from something lots of people depend on, like the hell care soystem.

And in other countries with the lethal injections, they went from “free donuts” to “you’ll lose your job and have no right to receive handouts” in a matter of weeks or months.

The well known saying is “nothing is more permanent than a temporary government program”, we might as well add in “nothing is more mandatory than a voluntary government program”.