If the web were like residences

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寮、 2022/11/15 — technology, internet, webdev

The web has lots of similarities to real estate.
Just like real estate, the internet started with everyone being fully independent from one other, until dependence started to grow more and more into a central place, until at one point this all blows up and people end up being fully independent again, and then the whole cycle begins.
Some people have broken the cycle either by going independent early on, or never allowing themselves to lose independency in the first place.
But most chose the convenience of dependence over the freedom of independence.

So today, we’ll compare the internet to real estate, going from the most dependent to the most independent.

Soycial media = internet cafe dwelling (the soycialist/communist ideal)

Soycial media (Shitter, Gab, Minds, Fakebook, GETTR, GC2, JewTube, Opussy, BITCHute, Rumble etc)

On soycial media you have a little space for a short bio, a profile picture, and you use the open space to talk to everybody else on the same network.
However, violating the ever growing list of rules will result you in being kicked out.

Internet cafe dwelling

In an internet cafe you have a tiny room with a computer, a floor to sleep on, and you use the open space to go to the toilet, wash yourself, do your laundary, and so on within the same building.
However, violating the ever growing list of rules will result you in being kicked out.

Free hosting = rental apartment or mansion (the ancom version of private property)

Just for clarification, here in Japan a “mansion” is basically an apartment that is higher than 2 floors, and with more modern facilities compared to an apartment.

Free hosting (Geocities/Neocities, Amebo, Blogspot, Tilde etc)

On free hosting providers you can do whatever you want, but you’re bound to a long list of rules set by the service provider, and any violation to the rules may result you in getting your account suspended.
These rules are generally “reality not allowed, I mean don’t spread misinformation”, “repeat the party line, I mean don’t be a racist”, “don’t exceed bandwidth”, and so on.
The rules are a direct result of millenials being authoritarion.

Rental apartment/mansion

In a rental apartment or mansion you can do whatever you want, but you’re bound to a long list of rules set by the landlord, and any violation to the rules may result you in having your contract terminated.
These rules are generally “separate trash properly”, “don’t make too much noice”, “no pets and/or foreigners allowed”, and so on.
The rules are a direct result of boomers being backwards.

Fediverse = hotel room (the ancap version of soycial media)

Fediverse (Pleroma, Mastodon, GNU Social, Misskey, PeerTube, Pixelfed, Friendica etc)

On the Fediverse you have your own space, as long as you pay your hosting or server provider and don’t DDoS the provider, you can do whatever you want.
Like on a centralized SNS, you have a public space where you can meet other users and talk to.
Unlike on a centralized SNS, you have your own platform.

Hotel room

In a hotel you have your own room, as long as you pay for your stay and don’t destroy your hotel room, you can do whatever you want.
Like in an internet cafe, you have a public space where you can meet other guests and eat breakfast in.
Unlike in an internet cafe, you have your own toilet and bathroom.

Self hosting on the clearnet = private property (the ancap/libertarian ideal)

Self hosting on the clearnet

You have the freedom of hosting whatever you want, however you might choose your server provider wisely, because there might be terrible ones out there who will still confiscate your server for whatever reason.
But other than that, as long as you pay up, you’re free to do whatever you want.

Private property

If you own your apartment or mansion, you can do with it whatever you want, however you might want to choose the right city, because there might be authoritarian ones where the local government will confiscate your home for whatever reason.
But other than that, as long as you pay up, you’re free to do whatever you want.

Self hosting on the darknet = house in the countryside (anarchist-style “fuck the soystem” level control)

Self hosting on the darknet

Hosting on the darknet is as safe and independent as you can get.
You’re literally unstoppable, but the only tradeoff is that you’re way harder to find.

House in the countryside

Your house in the countryside is as safe and independent as you can get.
Nobody but yourself has control over your house, but unless you own a car it’s really hard to get anywhere else.