Can we kill the zombies already?

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寮、 2022/12/24 — technology, smartphone, nwo


Just in case you call me out for a crazy conspiracy theorist, a Hollywood believer, or a vaxocaust admitter, no I don’t mean dead people who somehow managed to stand up and eat your brain for breakfast.
Sure, these types of zombies are annoying as fuck too, but I still have more respect for these zombies than the ones I will rant about, because at least they were actually alive at one point (or well, I hope so).
The zombies I’m going to rant about today rather don’t appear to be alive, they just merely exist.
I’m talking about the smartphone zombies.

But first, let’s take a look at the good zombies.

By the way, the anime is called Zombieland Saga.

And here’s some typical Japanese sense of English in action.

Because yea, as much as I hate smartphones, I’d rather not have one with feet.

So until recently I was working from home for a very long time, not because I was afraid of some fake virus that doesn’t even exist, but rather because I’m a freelancer and companies just wanted me to work remotely, which I so much prefer anyway.
But now I have a client that wants me to materialize at a Tokyo office, which is just annoying as fuck.
Not only because I have to ride packed trains for multiple hours a day again, but also because of the fucking smartphone zombies.
Despite the desperate attempts by J-Gov to put an end to 歩きスマホ (using smartphone while walking), it proves to be just as effective as their previous attempts to put an end to 歩きタバコ (smoking while walking); not at all.

What’s annoying is that they don’t look where the fuck they’re going, they suddenly start leaning leftwards or rightwards while you’re trying to bypass them because they move so annoyingly slow due to their focus being put on the screen, they suddenly stop walking altogether which makes me bump into them, they block all the traffic by their snail speed walking while playing some gatcha gayme on that stupid phone, and so on.
Even more reasons to fucking hate the antichrist that is the smartphone.
The good news is that apparently we already have the technology (archive) to detect a smartphone zombie, so at least there’s that.

Smartphones have caused more cancers than just that, like the normiefication of the clearnet, the mass discrimination against those who don’t use a phone like requiring one for online banking (still not the case here in Japan thankfully), having to use it as a loyalty/point card, and soon government ID, wallet, drivers loysense, and hell insurance too, anime, manga, and gaymes being influenced by smartphones, and people not being able to navigate through their very own neighbourhoods, so it’s clear that the longer we allow smartphones to take over the world, the worse this world is becoming.
So yea, fucking kill them already!