The hypocrisy of proprietary OS users

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寮、 2022/07/29 — technology, linux, bsd

I made this little meme before, among the differences I put “laughs at fellow virgins for being inferior over them” to the virgin proprietary OS user.
What does that mean?

Basically, imagine being a WinDOS users laughing at macOS users for paying too much only to get restricted.
It’s basically like a prisoner with a ball and chain laughing at a fellow inmate for being locked up in a golden cage.
For the other way around, like macOS users laughing at WinDOS users for being less secure.
It’s like a prisoner who got sentenced for mass murder laughing at a fellow inmate also for being sentenced for mass murder, but has more visible scars.
In the case of mobile OS’s, simply replace WinDOS for Android, and macOS for iOS using the same examples.

So it doesn’t matter how you’re locked up, or what you did to get locked up for, at the end of the day you’re locked up in prison either way.
I really don’t see any of that happening with the Linux and BSD chads, we respect each other like bro’s, and we’re willing to try each other out too.
So the question remains, why are we chad FLOSS users able to get along with each other while the virgin proprietary OS users seemingly can’t?