The hypocracy of normie's views on "privacy"

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寮、 2022/07/10 — technology, webdev, internet

The other day I got some overseas friend of mine crying about how “hackers” have “hacked” his rental company’s servers and got away with his personal information, and is really worried about them making weird bank transactions in his name.

First off, let me put some homo’s straight:
They’re not hackers, they’re crackers.
However, “cracker” sounds much more drugs related than IT related, so let’s call them “cyber criminals”.
Maybe it’s too long, so let’s call them “cycrims”.
So from now on I’ll refer them to “cycrims”, which is what normies would call “hackers”.
Hackers are never interested in your personal information, all we hackers care about is developing software, and doing it right, m’kay.

Likewise, the company didn’t get “hacked”, they got compromised.
The sentence “The rental company got hacked” is as non-sensticle as the sentence “CovAIDS closed the world down”, “Communists are anarchists”, or “The gun has killed Abe”.
CovAIDS didn’t close the world down, the government did.
Communists aren’t anarchists, they’re tyrants.
The gun didn’t kill Abe, the guy pulling the trigger on that gun killed Abe.
Also, the programmers didn’t program the rental company, the cycrims found a volunability in the system of that rental company and made use of it.

Also, it’s not your rental company, you’re merely a customer of that rental company.
You don’t own it!

With that out of the way, next time you cry about cycrims getting your personal information, consider the following:
You’re having a tracking device called a “smartphone” with you at all times, it has all sorts of antenna’s and other components that make stealing your personal information possible 24/7.
You most likely visit websoytes made in over the top bloated JS frameworks (yes, multiple!), that spam you with all kinds of ads and trackers, that are hosted on AWS servers, that are behind Cuckflare, that spam you with “ACCEPT MY COOKIES OR ELSE!!” popups, fingerprinting, and so on wherever you go.
And if you at least put a bit of work to mitigate these problems, you’re additionally getting confronted with either a “we’re checking your browser” page, a “access denied because you’re a spambot” page, or “please solve this captcha in order to enter the soyte” page, plus broken web elements, broken pages or completely blank pages, even more captcha’s, and so on on an every day (or even every minute) basis.
And if you’re a smartphone user (which you really shouldn’t be if you’re smart), you probably have Fakebook, WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, Telegram, Signal, Shitter, JewTube, LBRY, Discucked, Slack, Zoom, Goolag Maps, Goolag Translate, Siri/Goolag ASSistant, OneNote, Goolag Drive or OneDrive or iCloud, SnapChat, TikTok, Vkontakte, Skype, and many other spyware crapps you really shouldn’t use to begin with, along with crapps for your bank account and multiple government crapps which shouldn’t exist at all.
And if you’re a PC user, you probably know people who are running WinDOS, macOS, or Chrome OS (I don’t ASSume anyone viewing this site to be on any of these 3 OSs anyway, I don’t know because I run 0 trackers here), and might have Steam installed as well as all the desktop versions of the programs and/or browser versions of these, which are additional spyware.

And at times you’re not using technology, consider the CCTV camera’s, facial recognition camera’s, hidden camera’s, speeding camera’s, camera’s on or near traffic lights, all the luxery in your car, camera’s in the train, anti-theft gaytes, glowies hiding behind trees, random strangers taking pictures which then accidentally include you into that shot and then put it on SNS, your ID card, your bank/credit/debit card, your drivers loycense, your hell insurance card, and so on and so forth.
The glowniggers and tech companies know far more about you than any cycrim would ever dream of.

So next time you freak out about cycrims stealing your personal information, keep in mind that there are even more dangerous entities you don’t even give a fuck about that can do far more harm to you than the cycrims.