Should we get rid of technology altogether to get rid of evil?

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寮、 2022/08/03 — technology

The short answer is no.
The question of whether getting rid of technology will remove evil is basically the same as the question of whether getting rid of guns will remove evil.
Sure, a gun is used for evil (wars, murder, robbery), but it’s also used for good (protecting your property from criminals, preventing government overreach).
And the same is true for technology; it can be used for evil (digital ID, CBDCs, mass surveillance), but it can also be used for good (waking up to the fact you’re living under a tyrannical regime, establishment of a parallel economy when shit hits the fan).

Many people chose to give up on their guns, and then tyranny kicked in.
Likewise, people might choose to live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere and never interact with technology ever again, and then they suddenly find themselves in the middle of a warzone with skies filled with drones and grounds filled with robo-military and all that, and can’t figure out what the fuck is going on, and where to flee to now, or get weapons to fight them all off.
As a tech guy, I do recognize that technology has brought lots of evil to the world, but they also brought lots of improvements.
Technology is here to stay no matter what, so it’s better to turn technology into something that improves quality of life rather than just letting quality of life get destroyed while you move to the middle of nowhere, because the technocratic tyranny will come to you eventually.
You can hide somewhere in the jungle inbetween mountains, sure it’s beautiful, but eventually the government will find you if you allow technology to be turned to evil by running away from it.
If they want to get you, they will.

Which is why instead of giving up on tech completely and ignoring the fact that technology exists, I think it’s better to reclaim technology, cause a chain effect, so you can prevent a total takeover from happening.
Of course you can’t liberate technology 100%, but every tiny input you give counts.

Does soycial media turn the internet into a dystopia? Make your own Fediverse instances.
Does the normie internet go full blown JavaScript-required, AWS, CuckFlare, Discucked in order to communicate? Make your own website on a more independent network (or darknet, so it’s completely independent).
Is the gaming industry going beyond wokeness? Make your own games.
Can’t buy food with fiat because banks cancelled you, and cash no longer exists? Use crypto.
Can’t use the internet because you don’t have a digital ID? Use the darknet.

Technology gives you many little things you can do to prevent or delay the NWO takeover from happening, and you don’t need a massive crowd for that to happen.
Even a small minority of anonymous hackers that resist the NWO internet is enough for their dystopian plans to fail.
Being able to code is really an extremely valuable skill too many people forget about.
Being able to make software is like being a digital kami-sama, or God, or Allah, or however you want to call it.
And as long as technology can still be used for good, hopes aren’t lost.
We have to be thankful for the Free Software movement in the 80’s and 90’s, because without them we’d already be living under a digital tyranny the day the PAT-RIOT act got introduced 21 years ago, we’d already have no cash, we’d already be owning nothing and be “happy”, and so on.