Get off major VPS providers while you still can

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寮、 2022/09/15 — technology, internet, server

There’s a lot wrong about centralization.
I’ve already said enough about Cuckflare, and this article is about VPS providers, so I’ll not talk about them this time.
I only mentioned them because of their very centralizing powers.

What is equally a problem is AWS (Amazon Web Soyvice, or some shit).
Here in Japan, every single company is hopping on the AWS bandwagon, even web hosting companies that previously hosted all their servers at datacenters or even at their own offices now all host on either AWS, or GMO, or Sakura Cloud.
This is an extremely dangerous move, as you’re willingly putting the entire internet in the hands of only 3 corporations.

Problem with Amazon AWS

It’s Amazon, guess I don’t need to explain any further.

Problem with GMO Internet Group

Apart of their name, they’re all in on the SDGs scam.
That page alone confirms they’re all about GMO food (TEEHEE!!), indoctrination, the end of the nuclear family, financial slavery, ban on personal transportation, forced consent, and centrally controlled economy (most relevant to this topic).
None of which has anything to do with technology, web hosting, domain name registration, or anything else.
New World Order on full display, GMO Internet Group is pure evil!

Some of 076’s infrastructure is hosted with GMO (ConoHa), and we’re working on moving them all to local servers.
More on local servers in a bit.

Problem with SAKURA internet

While I can’t find any evidence of them cucking out for Satan Klaus in my 5 second long research, they do seem to very proudly boast the *aaS scam, in this case the scam is IaaS (Internet as a Disservice?).

Problem with other big VPS providers

These aren’t the only problematic corpo’s.
Others include Bluehost, Vultr, Linode, HostGator, and so on.
But since I only have experience with Vultr and Linode, I’ll only mention these 2.

Problem with Linode

They have a track record of deplatforming entire servers over baseless claims, plus they use Cuckflare.

Problem with Vultr

They too use Cuckflare, and any complaints about it gets dismissed because “we do not undo security meassures”, which is ironic because Cuckflare makes your stuff less secure.
I should add that every time I tell an unpopular opinion (mostly unpopular to the mainstream, but often unpopular to non-mainstream as well), everyone tells me to fuck off, they refuse to listen, and yet I get proven right pretty much every single time, because as soon as ideology challenges reality for a fight, reality ALWAYS wins.

Nobody is your friend

As you can see, none of the VPS providers is your best friend.
At least, none of the big ones that is.
There are some decent smaller options, more on that in a minute.

The DNS dillema

I originally didn’t plan on including this section here, but as I was discussing it on SNS, I think it does have added value.
There is no “decentralized registrar”, as everything ultimately points to ICANN one way or the other.
And every ISP makes their DNS compatible with that too.

Although you can technically make it decentralized, which involves people setting up their own DNS servers and invent their own TLDs, and have something somehow cross-reference all the DNS servers to each other.
That way not only you have full control over the content and the SLD, but also the TLD.
So once you have full control over TLD, we actually have a way to stop censorship.


Fortunately, there are ways to solve the problem.

Solution 1: Static IP and home server

This is my 2nd best recommendation.
Just take a Raspberry Pi, hook it up to a router with a static IP address, and you have free server hosting really!
I talked a lot about Interlink before, the same company that manages the .moe TLDs.
However, most of my readers are outside of Japan, so I can’t recommend Interlink to any overseas people.
But basically, find a static IP seller that doesn’t cost much.
You can already disgard your ISP, as 9 out of 10 of them will demand fortunes every single month.


Hard to take you down, and even impossible if you use a custom DNS.
The only way to take you down will be through a DDoS attack, but I already talked about that here under “What you can do instead of relying on Cuckflare”.
But tl;dr, don’t use too much soy (preferrably none at all), and make sure you have good enough specs hardware to handle lots of requests.

Also, by hosting your own server, you’re in control of your own server, and not some shady corpo that can just shut your server down from the VM control panel.
I have worked with XenServer before, so don’t tell me it’s a conspiracy theory, as I literally had full control over all the VPS’s running on a single server 12 years ago.

It’s also possible to harden the server to reduce possible attack vectors like SSH, FTP, and whatnot (so make these ports available over LAN-only.


Acquiring a static IP can be pretty expensive if you don’t do any thorough research first.
Cheap providers do exist, you only have to find them.

Your IP location is very likely doxxed to the entire world.
The good thing about Interlink is that they ASSign the IP location to one of their datacenters, so it doesn’t even come close to your real location.

Electricity bills might be a problem (especially if you’re living in the Eww).
Not a problem if your server is a Raspberry Pi, or some other machine that doesn’t demand much power (like a lower end CPU or a basic GPU chipset, or both), but it also depends on what kind of stuff you decide to run on your server.

Solution 2: Darknet (Tor and I2P)

The darknet is my very best recommendation, it’s the safest, most free (both as in freedom and money), and easiest to set up.


Darknet is impossible to censor.
Just like with a static IP, you control the server.
Likewise, hardening the network to reduce attack vectors is possible.


It’s hard to advertise long hashes with .onion or .b32.i2p at the end.
Tor network can be slow, and new I2P Eepsites will take long before they’re accessible.
Just like with a static IP, there are electricity bills to be paid.


They (most likely) didn’t bend the knee to the New World Order (yet).
The IP location is guaranteed to not be your real location.
No bottleneck on electricity bills.
You support small businesses by hosting with them.


Most of them will still cuck out to court, government, or outrage mob orders to kick you off.
Server specs are lower end, which is a non-issue for personal websites generated using a static website generator (or made by hand), but most people are soydevs or use soydev products, so they need very high end VPSs.
You most likely have to give them your private information, so it’s more dangerous than knowing your IP location, because at least an IP location can be inaccurate, but personal information is clear as day.
They are still volunerable to bait and switch, for example them being anti-Cuckflare until they aren’t.