Everything as a Service is a scam

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寮、 2022/04/18 — technology

Remember the saying, “if a corporation gives you something for free, than YOU are the product”?
With the raise of Literallyeveryfuckingthing as a Service, you can safely change it to “if a corporation provides anything at all, than YOU are the product, in addition to the product you’re renting”.

WinDOS is no longer a buyable loycense.
Instead it effectively got turned into an OS as a Service since WinDOS 10.
The software is the product, the hardware is the product, and YOU is the product.

It has gotten to the point that the only way you can actually own a product is by either making your own, or using exclusively FLOSS software ONLY!!
Or of course both.

The other alternative is to download a pirated copy of a commercial product, because pirates generally remove DRM, serial keys, telemetry, and all the other bullshit, so effectively pirates offer the superior version for free.
Pirates are the new patriots.

“But ryo, weren’t you a capitalist?”
Yes I am, but it doesn’t mean I support scamming the crap out of people and being hostile towards customers.

In fact, it has nothing to do with capitalism.
Sure, making money is a fundamental part of capitalism, but so is competition which is motivating you to providing the best of the best products and/or services.
Centralized “The Entire Fucking Universe as a Service” bullshit destroys competition, nobody is able to compete unless you’re the first in the market.
This is not free market capitalism, this is centrally planned communism.
If not, it leads to a centrally planned economy, aka communism.