Don't downgrade, just switch to something better

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寮、 2022/07/16 — technology, linux, bsd, computer

One thing I noticed among WinDOS users for a very long time is, every time the latest version is considered to be bad, they’re looking left and right for ways to downgrade to the last version they considered to be good.
When WinDOS Swista came out, I just couldn’t get in any computer store in Akihabara without people asking to downgrade their recently bought PC to WinDOS XP.
When WinDOS 7 came out, they stopped asking that question.
But then WinDOS 8 came out, and later on 8.1 and 10, and they started asking for a way to downgrade to 7 from 8, 8.1, and 10, until 7 died.

Now that WinDOS 10 and 11 are the only versions in support, now your average WinDOS user acts like if they’re sucking on a massive black pill, as they seem to think the only options they have are either the dystopian nightmare that is WinDOS 10 that seemingly couldn’t get even more dystopian, or the cyberpunk dystopian hellhole that is WinDOS 11 that proudly yells at 10-san “HOLD MY WHIP, YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN!!”.
And recently I’ve been seeing a similar trend with Ubuntu and CentOS users, Ubuntu people refuse to upgrade (more like downgrade) from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS, and CentOS users prefer to stay on version 7 to not use version 8, even though Alma Linux came in to basically take it over from CentOS.

Meanwhile, as a Linux user from a very young age that has used so many different distro’s before, I’m like come on man, there’s plenty of alternatives to choose from, no need to stay with WinDOS (or older versions of Ubuntu or CentOS)!
At this point, staying with WinDOS and refusing to upgrade is like wanting to stay with the current slave master, because the other slave master is even more abusive, all while you’re given plenty of options to just break your chains and be free whenever you want.

So my advise from a Unix perspective is, don’t refuse to be put in a worse prison cell by staying in your current prison cell, just break the windows of that prison cell, get the fuck out of there, and discover that once you’re done biting the sour apple by breaking through the windows and smashing green robots out of order, the world of penguins, devils, blowfishes, and buffelo’s is so much more beautiful and liberating at the same time.
Aside from animals, we also have blue and green triangles, orange flags, boomerangs, a pink whirlpool, and silver-ish fish (or whatever the fuck the Gentoo logo represents) and many more all on blue mountain tops waiting for you to becoming their new fren.
And yes, we also have memes and loli’s.