Setting up an IRC channel? Host your own IRC server!

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寮、 2023/01/28 — technology, irc, linux, bsd, internet

Pretty much every single Linux distro, BSD variant, FOSS hardware maker (PINE64, Purism), Unix JewTubers, and whatever all seem to rely on LiberaChat.
This is no different from relying on Goolag, Microshaft, Jewhoo, and/or Proton for email, Cuckflare for “““self hosted””” website, or Discuck/Telegram for online communities.
It’s just mind boggling how you set up entire server parks to make your internet life as independent as possible, only to then suck the dick of a rather hostile service provider so they will host an IRC channel for you.
And setting up your own IRC server is so easy!


Before Libera got so popular, everyone was on Freenode instead.
Then Freenode got a hostile takeover, and everyone left immediately, which was great.
But then I facepalmed when they all went to Libera.
I thought “they didn’t learn their lesson at all”.

What’s wrong with Libera

So much is wrong with Libera.
They require you to have an account in order to use, they’re managed by the woke left (so you better be careful with what you say), they dox your IP address, channel operators are mostly jannies, and since they’re so big combined with all the previously mentioned problems, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were contacted by glowniggers to have them collect logs and other data on Libera, though that one is just a theory, AN IRC THEORY!!

Ilita is basically the I2P version of Libera, they are much more OK, mostly because they’re run by Russians instead of Americans, so the server operators are generally much more sane.
But I’d still stick to making your own, because nobody knows when THEY get taken over, or when Roshan goes woke, or if they send everything to Putin.

Eye break

OK, just kidding.
Now the REAL eye break of the day!

Host your own IRC server

Look, I host my own IRC server, and it was such a simple process too!
I won’t make a tutorial, just look at my Git repo to see how I did that, and use Landchad to see how to exactly set it up (just skip the entire config editing part, I already configured it accordingly, all you need to do is change the name and hostname, and replace all the “FUCKINGADD”’s with your own password).
And perhaps ignore the SoystemD step as well, because real land chads don’t use a SoystemD distro, only either a Linux distro or BSD variant.

How do I bridge IRC to whatever other soyvice?

On 076, both loli frog and me are putting in lots of effort in making everyone as digitally independent as possible, relying on Libera is no different from relying on Discuck, and even worse if you bridge them too to add insult to injury.
It’s understandable you want to bridge because one set of users would prefer IRC, others on Matrix, others on XMPP, others on Telegram, but honestly it’s better to keep them all separated from one other.
IRC is generally used by actual adults who can handle insults just fine, whereas Matrix is generally used by zoomers who even consider “he/him” to be an insult.
Mixing these userbases together WILL create cancer on both sides, and you’ll end up with nobody on none, and maybe the adult babies over at Discuck will create a fake “community” in your name, and actively keep you out.
So if you want to support multiple chat systems, fine, but keep them separate.
Because again, each system is preferred by different types of people.