The digital point "card" applification dystopia

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寮、 2022/06/03 — technology, smartphone

Went to a yakitori shop earlier today with my GF after a very long time of not going there, I already had 9 stamps on my stamp card, only 1 left for a free meal.

And now they told me they no longer take paper stamp cards, I have to scan a QR code and download their own smartphone app instead now.
I have no Crapple iPhone and no Goolag Android, only a Linux phone and a degoolagged Android, neither of which I took with me, it’s not a body part, m’kay…

Reminds me to how much I hate these New World Order devices called smartphones.
They went from a niche salarymen tool, to a hip gadget, to a mainstream device everyone has, to a device you can’t leave at home, to a compulsary device to own or you won’t be able to do basic things you used to be able to do perfectly fine without one.

Credit/debit cards, bank/cash cards, public transport passes, and flight tickets are already on the way out in favor for Goolag Pay or Crapple Pay.
Soon the national ID card, residence card, passport, drivers loysense, hell insurance card, MyNumber card, and the rest of the bullshit will become appified (already the case in Ukraine, NIGGERia, and CHAINA!!, and piloting in AusJAILia apparently).

Soon after that you’ll need all these programs on a smartphone you have permission to use (because you can’t own a smartphone, the big 2 have full control over it, so it’s never YOUR smartphone) in order to even log online, this is technically already the case in Pakistan with their “get lethally injected or else you won’t be able to use a SIM card you’re paying for every single month” policy.

“Ryo-kun, you gloomer and doomer!
If you’re so smart, then gives us a solution to stop it then!”
The more people throw away their smartphones, or at least keep it at home only and never carry it around anywhere, the less likely this New World Order system can be rolled out.
Remember, the elites don’t hold the power, YOU are the power!