I'm going to debunk the entirety of JewTube on Web 1.0

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寮、 2022/12/25 — technology, internet

Hey there mr. JewTuber, Merry Fucking Christmas! Get your facts right for once, and take a look at the old web! (Archived as OGV and WEBM in case JewTube Jews out.)

So I looked up the term “web 1.0” on JewTube the other day, and found exactly 0 facts.
All I found are big JewTubers who probably have never been on the internet before they got their hands on the iPhone.
My main impression on the search results in a nutshell is:

  1. Web 1.0 is Wikipedia, Web 2.0 is soycial media, Web 3.0 is Etherium and Metamask.
  2. Web 1.0 is read-only and all the information is spoonfed to you (apparently), Web 2.0 is read and write with dumbfucks giving up all their information, and Web 3.0 is read, write, and control (apparently).
  3. Web 3.0 is not only crypto, but also VR (which is already flopping anyway).
  4. Apparently a zoomer nigger in rapper cloths and Indian tech support scammers knows more about the history of the web than us veterans.
  5. Jupiter is a failed star.

The reason why I made this write up is:

  1. Web 1.0 is STILL the only reasonable solution to our current web problem.
  2. Web 2.0 is getting worse and worse.
  3. Web 3.0 is still being advertised to this very day, as I saw it on one of the many ads in a train, which is always filled with ads, and 100% of the time they’re all a scam anyway.

In this ocean of Web3 shills, not a single one of them noticed the fact we all created entire communities on protocols rather than platforms, that we used to make websites in HTML and CSS from the ground up typically on services like Geocities, Angelfire, and a couple of others, nobody mentions 4chan which was still created in the Web 1.0 era, or all the countless web forums that existed back then.
Instead they only show Wikipedia, a service that didn’t even exist during the Web 1.0 era… (Edit: apparently it existed since 2001, though still I don’t think anyone has ever heard of them until at least 2006.)
Not to mention that the fact we had online communities and things like web forums already would just completely destroy the narrative of Web 1.0 being “read-only”.
And if you take into account the fact that everyone (or most people) had their own websites also completely destroys the whole narrative of information just being spoonfed to you.

Another thing they keep repeating was that users of Web 1.0 were consoomers, which is absolutely false.
We were both cosooming AND prodoosing content, unique content even.
Something that today is being frawned upon and punished even.

They are not only wrong on Web 1.0, they are wrong on Web 3.0 too.
Web 3.0 was never made with the intention of you owning the content, internet being decentralized, you having privacy, and everything else.
In fact, the biggest privacy violators Web 3.0 is allegedly meant to destroy…….are the ones funding Web 3.0 the most.
Why would you fund your own destruction? You wouldn’t right?
Meanwhile, big tech and the governments they’re owned by all want to make use of Web 3.0 for digital ID.
Also worth noting that the vast majority of this “decentralized” Web 3.0 infrastructure apparently relies on the CENTRALIZED!! Cuckflare infra, which destroys the whole point of both decentralization AND privacy in 1 go, way to go!

The real solution for the Web 2.0 problem is not Web 3.0, it’s Web 1.0 and on I2P and Tor, and making those as hostile as possible towards smartphones, because smartphones are what invited the normalfags to the internet they then have destroyed.

Whatever, at least cats are more intelligent than JewTube shills, so give them a pet.