Cookies should be bottom priority when it comes to privacy

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寮、 2022/05/18 — technology, privacy

Also, ever noticed how the cookie popups ALWAYS require Javascript to even click away, let alone configure?
You’re making people aware of cookies (read: force them to accept cookies and make it as hard as possible to not accept them), but not only you completely ignore the fact that you need Javascript for it to work, you’re replacing even the fucking DOM in favor for a Javascript-only web!
Also, how about the mandatory JS, ANALytics, Captcha’s, many CDNs, ads, WASM, CuckFlare, Fakebook like button, JewTube embeds, Tweet embeds, the push to using mobile programs over the browser interface, 2FA, browser and/or device fingerprinting, FLOC, AI chat/support bots, blanket banning of Tor users, restricting people who use VPNs, and the list of privacy hating features goes on and on.
You have seemingly no problem at all using all of these, BUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTT……..only the cookies are a concern, because the Eww says so…