The clearnet is dead, RANT 2

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寮、 2022/12/01 — technology, internet, webdev

HO HO HO, Merry Christmas!
As my present to you, I will rant about the clearnet, again!

Not so long ago I was kicked out of an Animate store (a dojinshi-only store) for not wearing a face diaper (which by the way is literally illegal, and me pointing that out made them even more desperate to kick me out as quickly as possible).
But I keep getting newsletters, and I want to unsubscribe from them, because I’ll never shop at Animate ever again over that, not even online, they can go bankrupt at this point.
But as Japanese as it can get, you have to login to their websoyte in order to unsubscribe, and of course passwords can’t include any special characters and need to be short, because most people here don’t know how to code properly, but that aside.\

And the clearnet bullshit begins!
“Please enable Javascript to use this website” pops up, even though the websoyte works better without JS, but I couldn’t find the login page, so I enabled it.
Found the login page, so I put in my username and password, and the “login” button doesn’t work.

This is how the form looks like:

<form name="login_mypage" id="login_mypage1" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return fnCheckLogin('login_mypage');">
  <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="login">
  <input type="hidden" name="url" value="/mypage/login.php?transactionid=〇〇">
  <div class="item">
    <input type="text" name="mypage_login_email" id="adress" value="" maxlength="200" style="ime-mode: disabled;">
  <div class="item" style="margin-top: 30px;">
    <input type="password" name="mypage_login_pass" id="password" maxlength="200">
  <div style="margin-top: 30px;">
    <span class="button_style_2">
      <a href="#" onclick="$('#login_mypage1').submit();
        return false;" title="ログイン">ログイン</a>
  <div style="margin-top: 20px;">
      <input type="checkbox" name="mypage_login_memory" value="1" id="login_memory">&nbsp;ログイン情報を記憶する
  <p class="forget"><a href="" title="パスワードを忘れた方はこちら">パスワードを忘れた方はこちら</a></p>

Doing login checks in the frontend is absolutely retarded, it’s the most insecure way of handling account logins!

Here’s more retardedness:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('#password').keypress(function (e) {
    if ((e.which && e.which == 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 13)) {

Keycode 13 refers to the enter key.
What the fuck do you even need that code for!?
The form is already within the HTML form section, just pressing “enter” key should be enough by default.
Just replace the span > a href with a button or input type="submit", and it should be working both with and without JS.
And I did exactly that!
I went into inspect element, and replaced:

<a href="#" onclick="$('#login_mypage1').submit();
  return false;" title="ログイン">ログイン</a>



And I was able to login!
And it’s absolutely sad that it got to the point you need to hack the HTML soyce code in order to get a simple HTML form to work…

And while we’re still on that page, what resources does it load that makes it so fucking slow?

First off, what the fuck do you needs ads for?
You’re a webshop, not a billboard, you should be earing enough the ethical way already.
But you opt in for 3 different ones: Goolag, Doubleclick (which is Goolag), and Fout.
Then there are the trackers: Jewhoo, Goolag, Shitter, and products belonging to each one of them.

This alone made me remember once again that the clearnet is beyond repair.

This is how the internet was designed to look like:

  • 50% content worth reading
  • 35% HTML
  • 14% CSS
  • 1% Javascript, but only if you really need it, and keep it vanilla only, otherwise CSS becomes 15%.

This is how the internet looks like today:

  • 1488% ads, trackers, ANALytics, big tech tags, password sniffers, captchas, cryptominers, CDNs, MitM attacks I mean DDoS “““protection”””, fingerprinting, soycial media buttons, video embeds, among many other mass surveillance techniques
  • 911% unnecessary bloat such as CSS frameworks, Javascript frameworks, and Javascript itself
  • 666% Jewish propaganda
  • 33% actual content we want to see

You might be saying, but Ryo-kun, this is clearly an HTTP problem, so try Gemini instead.
I disagree, the darknets don’t suffer from these problems.
Tor is starting to see cruft coming in now that normies in places with lots of internet censorship start figuring it out, but for the most part it’s still not that bad since Tor users generally disable JS by default, so fewer people are going to force you to enable it.

Another one is I2P, which are none of the problems at all, since it’s still pretty niche and nerd-only.

If you’re reading this blog, you’re already using at least either of the 2 already.
But I highly recommend you explore both a bit more.
For Tor, I recommend you bookmark the Onion links you find, see for their webrings, and bookmark those as well.
For I2P it’s a bit easier; all you need is to get through the “alive” lists on http://inr.i2p or http://reg.i2p, and you’re getting a full list of Eepsites without discrimination (well, it only doesn’t list Eepsites that only have a B32 address, because each person is expected to add their own Eepsite to the lists anyway).