The clearnet is dead, RANT 1

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寮、 2022/11/23 — technology, internet, webdev

Today is Worker’s Thanksgiving Day in Japan, meaning I get to thanklessly sit at home doing nothing all day long.
Anyway, I complain about the clearnet quite a lot on this blog (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), almost daily on SNS even.
And this is because instead of the situation getting better, it’s getting worse and worse.
And now too yet another rant is needed because instead of the situation getting better, it’s only getting worse.

Clearnet is slowly becoming Cuckflare

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as the internet, is in fact, Cloudflare, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Cuckflare.
This might actually become the painful reality of the clearnet very soon from the looks of it…

Clown of the month: OpenProvider

So loli frog forwarded me an email from OpenProvider, because it’s in English and she doesn’t speak English, and you just can’t make this shit up.
Absolutely clown world example of how to respond to a problem!
The email is pretty long, but to keep it simple, last month they decided to put their firewall behind Cuckflare, and now they’re experiencing DDoS attacks every single day, which effectively affects every single domain registered with them, and they have legit no idea what’s going on.
So I decided to reply to them saying that Cuckflare is exactly the cause of the problem with links to evidence and all that, I’m currently waiting for a response, so more coming soon (if they respond at all that is).

But now they’re putting all their resellers and in addition to that their reseller’s customers at risk, so much joy…
And this solidifies the death of the clearnet even further.

However, it doesn’t seem to have forcefully put domains behind Cuckflare against people’s will (yet), but in their email they did pressure people into doing so, which is rather disgusting.

Just a half-ass solution: Gemini

Behind the scenes I’ve been experimenting a bit with Gemini.
Gemini solves the whole problem of a bloated internet, and does it even better than the darknets by just not having any way of inserting bloat to begin with, whereas on the darknet the only reason why there’s less bloat is because it’s mostly nerd-only for now.
However, Gemini still relies on you having a valid domain name, and therefore DNS, so you can still get taken down and/or get compromised.
But apparently it’s possible to use Gemini on Onion routing, but I have yet to experiment with that.
If that works, then perhaps I’ll put up a Gemini version of this site.
I’m already writing everything in markdown, the only change I will have to make is to provide links in the GMI format, and I should be good to go I think.

寮居酒屋 (Ryo’s Izakaya) goes back to darknet-only

As I already promised, this website is going back to being Tor and I2P only.
However, I will still need to figure out why the fuck I2P refuses to work, but at least there’s Tor which is working.
Still debating about whether I should support Lokinet or not, the whole proprietary nature of it alone makes me hold back on it.
And perhaps a darknet-only Fedi instance might be added to the list of things to do, now that 076 SNS can federate with Tor-only instances.

I will still hold on to the clearnet domain name, but only as a means to display the fact that you’ll need to use Tor or I2P in order to view the contents.
The clearnet server is already configured to automatically redirect people to the Onion version when it detects you’re browsing this site over Tor.
And since I have nothing to do on this national holiday, I’ve done just that, now if you browse to without Tor, you’ll see the notice that this blog is no longer viewable on the clearnet.

The clearnet domain is going to expire on the 6th of June (6/6, ILLUMINAZI CONFIRMED GOYS!!), and I only registered it because the darknet server has been down throughout the entire summer.
So I think I won’t renew it once the date expires.

Conspiracy time

For quite a while I have actually had this conspiracy theory that this is the whole cyber scamdemic Satan Klaus has been talking about.
I said from the beginning already, there won’t be a blackout or internet shutdown, it doesn’t even make any sense to do so.
Their entire infrastructure relies on the clearnet, they’re migrating more and more of the physical infrastructure to the clearnet, they want you in the dead universe I mean Metaverse, the clearnet keeps the people occupied enough to be no threat to the obsoletes, and so on.
If they really wanted to shut down the entire internet to cover their asses, they would have done so long ago already.

However, did you notice the massive increase of cyber attack and/or DDoS news in the media, both mainstream and alternative, since the whole Fakebook downing?
And did you notice that the vast majority of these websoytes that got DDoS’d started relying on Cuckflare?

Just as a reminder, everything they do has money involved.
Follow the money trail, and you’ll find all the answers you’re looking for.
Scamdemics are all about enriching Big Pharma, wars are all about enriching the military industrial complex (which is much better known, except most people say it’s the Americuck DEMONrats moneylaundering, it’s rather all politicians worldwide doing so), cloymet chainge is all about enriching big daddy government, and so cyber scamdemics are all about enriching Big Tech.
Once you realize the fact that money is being involved in every single scam they’re pulling, it’s getting clear real quick.

But Ryo-kun, they could as well just use Cuckflare for free, how are they supposed to make money off of it?
Well, look at how Goolag did this with email.
G Suite used to have a free option when most of the email was still decentralized and federated, although it was still called “Gmail for Domains” at the time.
Then out of the blue, after they managed to get enough email users dependent on them, they decided “let’s rename our soyvice to G Suite, and make the free plan no longer available”.
They still let you continue to use the free plan if you already had it for a couple of years.
But as recently as last month, now that they effectively have a monopoly on email, they decided to just kill off the free plan and force those who were still on the free plan to pay, and gave each user 14 days, or get locked out of the soyvice until you pay up.
You can leave and set up your own email server if you want, but nowadays you have to be very lucky to actually get your email delivered to those who are dependent on G Suite or Outlook.
I can easily see this happening with Cuckflare once the entire clearnet becomes dependent on them.