Again, showing why relying on CDNs is a bad thing

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寮、 2022/04/22 — technology

Dear government of Yokohama,
Come on man!
I’m getting a white page of semi-death; while apparently I can still click on links and go to different pages, and even scroll, the page appears entirely white.

Looking in the CancerScript console, I see Goolag Tag Manager (because of course, with the exceptions of websites owned by @suwako and @JapanAnon, Japanese websites that DON’T use it is almost non-existent) being blocked, but also jQuery and CSS failed to load, because they’re both fucking CDN’d.

CDN is the WRONG way of managing dependencies, very CORS unfriendly, very insecure, enables spyware and censorship, and so on.
All resources should be hosted locally, preferrably on the same domain to ensure the website works even for the most security oriented users.
The most secure way of running websites is to never NEVER NEVER have any 3rd party or even 2nd party requests.
1st party ONLY!!

Comment by チャノさん

@ryo @suwako We should probably be impressed it renders on anything aside from Internet Explorer