Are you a Tech Jew?

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寮、 2022/11/27 — technology, computer, internet

What is a Tech Jew?
I’ll explain in a minute, but first a few examples to give you an idea:

  1. Do you encourage people to go to alt tech, while you continue to be using big tech yourself?
  2. When somebody calls you out for using big tech even though you’re against it, do you make up excuses (example: reaching out to a wider audience, waking up those still asleep, getting new followers etc)?
  3. Did you consider recommending people to set up their own decentralized, federated platforms?

If your answers are yes, yes, and no respectively, then congratulations, you’re a 100% Tech Jew!

So basically, a Tech Jew is someone who forces people into separate technologies they believe are “against the narrative” even though they’re all controlled by the same people who control the big tech platforms.
Don’t believe me?
Just consider the fact alone that with the exception of Rumble, every single alt tech platform uses Cuckflare, which is just as Zion as Goolag, Fakebook, and Amazon, and Rumble is using AWS, which is from Amazon, so we’re full circle now.
How can you even take them seriously!?
It’s having a big corpo fucking everybody in their asses, then a smaller corpo shows up and says “hey dudes, dudettes, and dude-in-drags, you should join our dope shit, we actually respect your body”, but they never tell you that they rely on the cock of that very big corpo they “saved” you from in order to even be able to exist, so the only way to find out is by finding their whois information, going to their platforms over Tor (and see if you get stopped or not), read HTTP request headers, check what they require you to have in order to sign up, read their Toss (Terms of Disservice), PeePee (Privacy Policy), and Cock (Code of CONduct) pages, or otherwise experience censorship first hand (or 3rd hand if somebody gets as loudly deplatformed as Alex Jones or Joe Rogan, which are both controlled opposition Jews too by the way).
So you’re basically being fucked in the ass by somebody else’s dick, who on their turn are fucking them in their ass, and sooner or later this will become a pretty gay chain.

And this is exactly how alt tech works too.
They claim to be anti-big tech, but rely on big tech infrastructure instead of just setting up your own infrastructure.
None of them even have a darknet mirror at all, which too is saying a lot.

Not saying that you should avoid big tech infrastructure like a plague, somewhere down the chain there will be a big tech corpo even without your knowledge, because after all, the internet is being held together somehow.
This is purely regarding those who willfully choose to rely on big tech architecture, like putting your entire platform behind Cuckflare and mandatory Javascript UIs even if you don’t need it.
And the reason why I call them “Tech Jews” is simply because all these big tech corpoes are owned and run by Jews, and Jews always stick together, and will refuse to work together with anybody else.
And the Jews really want to kill off as much competition and opposition as possible, and they do that by subverting real opposition and/or inventing controlled “opposition”, pretending to be in opposition while in reality they’re all working together.

Fediverse and federation and/or self-hosted solutions in general (email (not so much anymore), XMPP, IRC, Mumble, Newsgroups, BBS, and so on) is one way to make platforms that aren’t Jewish owned/controlled, or otherwise use their tech and explicitely exclude them (like in the case with Mastodon, PeerTube, and Matrix).
The best is to have a static HTML+CSS-only (and/or Gemini) website exclusively on the darknets (Tor and I2P, though I2P is more based, but harder to have it keep working), but there’s no conversation through that, which is why we have the technologies I put in the sentence above.

But this is why you can’t find me on JewTube, Shitter, Fakebook, InstantKilograms, TikTok, Gab, Parler, Gettr, so-called “TRUTH” Soycial, GC2, Mixi, Niconico Douga, Pixiv, BITCHute, Opussy/LBRY, Rumble, Twitch, OnlyFans, Vimeo, Pornhub, or any other big tech or alt tech (which rely on big tech TEEHEE) platforms, I simply don’t exist there.
All I have are this website, Pleroma, PeerTube (though that one is on the way out, which is why I don’t link to it), Gitler, email, XMPP, and IRC (which I’m planning on providing info to soon).
Well, you can find me on the PINE64 and The Crowhouse forums, but I stopped using the PINE64 forum a very long time ago, and I’m not as active on The Crowhouse, simply because while I did make good friends on there (and 1 troll), it’s just not my type of thing anymore.
I joined due to our agreement on what anarchy is and how the world should be like, but in some cases (especially when it comes to technology, entertainment, and drawings) I disagree with most of them, and eventually I found my own path I branched out of, so I’m fighting this battle my own way now.

The reason why I still don’t provide my email, XMPP, and IRC information is because I’m not decided yet on whether I’ll make use of loli frog’s infrastructure, or set up my own.
And the reason for that is because email is such a bitch to set up, because iRedMail only works on Debian, which has SoystemD, and I don’t want to have any servers with that, they claim to be supporting the BSDs, but any attempt at setting them up has failed so far.
OpenBSD has its own SMTPd (OpenBSD’s own Postfix basically) service out of the box, but I still can’t get it to work even after following the official fucking guide.
And anything related to Postfix is an absolute nightmare to set up.
The positive is that both Ergo (IRC) and Prosody (XMPP) are pretty easy to set up especially if you already know what you’re doing.

I already have email and XMPP, but it’s on the 076 infrastructure, and I really want to make my own Tor and I2P-only ones.
Though I think I’ll make them I2P only, Tor would be only for this blog, and thus once again I’ll need to figure out why the fuck it’s not working (oh hey, even more motivation to fix this crap!).
Or perhaps skip email altogether and go just for XMPP and IRC?
Let me know on Fedi (aka, comments on this post).