Alt tech is a trap

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寮、 2022/12/08 — technology, internet


Since Alex Jones got loudly deplatformed from big tech, the internet started to change.
Censorship started getting gradually more and more extreme, alt tech platforms started to pop up, and Fedi started gaining more traction.
And every time JewTube did an adpocalypse, a new alt tech platform appeared out of nowhere.

I myself tried out a couple, such as Gab, BITCHute, LBRY/Opussy, and a few more.
And I got banned off all of them.
Either because of posting loli’s, or for saying something a bit too truthful.
This made me question these platforms very hard, because it’s a well known fact that the only types of people who get extremely paranoid over loli drawings are the glowniggers, these platforms all reflected exactly that.

Some other observations I noticed is the sheer amount of fake “truths” all over these platforms.
Mainstream media is fake news, everyone knows that at this point, but it doesn’t mean that everything else is automatically true.
And during the scamdemic I’ve noticed so much fake “truths”, to the point it felt like there’s not a single reliable source on the entire internet anymore.
Lethal injections arrived, I know these are poison, they are every single time they do these, which is once every decade.
I’ve seen so many crazy shit being posted to alt tech, like “vaccine shedding”, “nanotech”, “microchips”, “shaking chicken meat”, “pandemic babies”, “bluetooth emission”, and so on, all of which had either doctors “just saying so”, or “evidence” that is very easy to debunk, or simply no evidence and “I’m a truther, just trust me bruh”.
Meanwhile, I’ve seen not a single person asking the most crucial question, the question that should be asked, the question that ACTUALLY makes you wake up to what’s REALLY going on: where did the money go?
And I asked this question.

Based on my own observation, just a small percentage of the population gets killed (and yes, even if it’s 6 million, it’s still a small percentage if you consider a worldwide population of 8 billion), the vast majority gets permanently dependent on the hell care soystem, and the few lucky ones get away unharmed.
This is so obvious if you simply look around in real life, yet nobody seems to notice it at all.

This all got me to the conclusion that alt tech is really just operated by glowies alongside some useful idiots who are more than happy to simply echo whatever the glowies post or upload.
Of course those so-called “fact checkers” will be able to easily debunk them all, because they’re basically “fact checking” their own misinformation.
I also noticed a massive increase of glowies all over the internet blending into non-mainstream platforms and instances even.
And yesterday the news of the WHO conspiring to censor “misinformation” and grabbing more surveillance powers came out, my suspicion turned out to be true.
I thought “A-HA! Now the cat comes out of the bag!”.
So they’ve set up these alt tech platforms not only to misdirect people seeking the truth, but also to manifacture the narrative on why they need to take full control over the clearnet.
At this point, anyone who doesn’t have their own website AND doesn’t join the Fediverse AND doesn’t chat on XMPP, IRC, Mumble, and/or email (no need to check all the boxes, at the very least 1 of these is still OK, although own website should be the main platform, not just a fancy graphical RSS feed), and instead insists on using one or more of the big- or alt-tech platforms, chat crapps like Telegram, Signal, Discucked, or Matrix (all funded by the Jews), among other stuff instead can be considered controlled opposition.

I seriously suggest you move to the darknet if you haven’t already.
Better move now while you still can rather than when it’s already too late.
Time to get serious about online freedom/privacy!