All browsers suck, and it's all YOUR fault!

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寮、 2022/07/09 — technology, internet, webdev, linux

Clickbait, except it’s not.
The “YOU” part can literally refer to you, regardless of who you are.
Let me explain.

Browser makers

Browser devs are at fault for all giving up on their own browser engines in favor for becoming basically a Chromium (including QtWebEngine) skin.
That’s not the only camp, but still the biggest.
The other 2 alternatives are Crapple’s WebKit (or WebKitGTK from Gnome), which is what Goolag was made out of, or Cuckzilla’s Gecko, which gets over 90% funded by Goolag.
The only alternatives to these 3 left are Pale Meme (which too has mountains of problems like hating Tor, websoyte being Cuckflared, among other stuff), Netsurf which is still far from ready, Dillo which can’t display many websoytes which I’ll get into in a moment, w3m/Links/Lynx which are all terminal-based browsers and thus suffer from similar problems as Netsurf and Dillo, Bombadillo and Lagrange which aren’t made to display HTTP but they display Gemini instead, and a bunch of dual/triple engine browsers (usually Trident and WebKit, sometimes Gecko too) all made by Chinese glowies.


The other part of the blame puzzle are the soydevs which made everything work exclusively with Chromium only, and in addition makes it next to impossible to use their stuff without being in the crosshairs of the glowniggers at all times.
As a result, many websites won’t work on any already terrible alternatives, and very many more won’t work on all the actually good alternatives.
This website will work fine on Netsurf, Dillo, and Lynx (I verified it myself, they won’t get displayed 100% as intended, but at least it’s readable and loads quickly in all 3 of them), but the big reason is because my site is made in XHTML 1.1, which is seemingly a skill that’s ultra rare these days.
HTML5 comes with nice goodies, but they’re not made by those who define web standards (W3C, even they are Cuckflared these days kamidamnit!), they’re made by Big Tech (WHATWG, quite a conspiracy right?).

You the user

Of course nobody wants to point a finger at themselves, but yes, YOU the consoomer are at fault as well.
Not only you’re the one using the stuff that destroys the internet, you love it too.
And as long as you keep enslaving yourself, the walls built around you will be made taller and taller.
All of this leads to a situation where we will need ID in order to log online, it’s all possible through centralization.


The best we can do to push back is by making 90’s style websites again on custom infrastructure, over Tor, make our own browsers and engines (or otherwise make things work on non-major browsers like Dillo, Netsurf, and Lynx), and all that.
Let’s turn our clocks back to the 80’s and 90’s when we still had tech freedom, actually good games, and actually open internet.
Set up a Fediverse instance or a few to still maintain current year tech with old tech vibes.
Learn how to make stuff with XHTML 1.1 and CSS instead of relying entirely on JavaScript.
Try to host your stuff outside of Cuckflare and AWS, preferrably on an older PC over Tor and I2P (and static IPv4 addresses if you have to host on the clearnet).
Learn to host files locally instead of depending yourself on CDNs.
And most importantly, throw away your smartphones, or otherwise keep them at home at all times, but limit its use for only brief moments and use a PC for all else.

The true way to fight against centralization is to decentralize everything.