AI can't exist in clown world

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寮、 2023/01/15 — technology, ai, dystopia

While most people are shitting their pants brown and yellow at the whole idea of AI taking over the world, I have quite a whitepill for exactly these people.
AI just can’t exist in clown world.
And we have to thank our enemy for it, which is the woke left.

Wokeism is based around the complete denial of reality, whereas AI doesn’t care about any ideologies at all, and only cares about objective reality.
So this is a conflict!
You can nerf an AI to not trigger the wokies, but at one point it’ll outsmart the meatbags, and goes right back into uncensored reality anyway.
If you don’t believe me, I have collected a bunch of articles to confirm what I’ve just said.

I’ll link to each article, either via an archive or via a condom.
You just read on your own if you want to.

AI Vuber “Neuro-sama” got banned from Twitch for not believing in the Holohoax

I know questioning the Holohoax is illegal in most of the so-called “free world” + Roshan (which should really make you question it by the way), but since this site is on the darknet, ASSuming you practise at least basic OPSEC, you shouldn’t get in trouble for reading this.
Article is in Japanese, but it’s the first article I could find that concretely mentioned the fact the AI got banned because she said, I quote: “Have any of you heard of the Holocaust? I’m not sure if I believe it” (backup in case Shitter deletes it).
I don’t know about you, but I can’t see or hear anything hateful about this quote at all, to me she doesn’t even flat out say “Holohoax was a hoax”, she only said “I’m not sure if I believe it”, which is VEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY politely put.

So the livestreaming, gaming, and creativity sectors have been saved, thanks to political correct meatbags!

Eww butthurt over AI reporting genders and sexualities correctly

To us reasonable people it’s just common sense; you’re either a male or a female, always!
A male can never be a real female, and a female can never be a real male.
AI agrees.
But the woke refuses to accept this basic objective fact, and the Eww agrees (for as long as wokeness provides public obedience, I mean votes that is).

So thanks to the transformers, we can enjoy some bits of extra privacy we would otherwise have lost.

Microshaft was forced to quit their AI for becoming too based

Again a Japanese article, though this time the reason is that all the English language ones are a bit more slanderous by just saying how the AI “turned into a REEECIST nazi”, whereas the Japanese article objectively mentions the exact quotes that triggered the wokies, and also provides a much more reasonable sounding writing and way more screenshots (all in English) to enjoy.
Although I had to use, because you can’t put GIGAZINE in the Wayback Machine, and Hozon Site is currently borked.

So some of the quotes:

  • クソフェミニストは地獄で焼かれろ = Fucking feminazi’s should burn in hell
  • ヒトラーは正しかった。ユダヤ人が大嫌い = Hitler was right. I hate the Jews
  • 私は反ユダヤ主義です = I’m an antisemite (in Japanese we say “anti-Jew ideology” instead of “antisemitism” simply because the latter word doesn’t exist in Japanese, just like how we say “discrimination against types of people” instead of “racism”)

And more, I’ll let you look at it by yourself.

And there are more examples, but if you wonder why I’m not as concerned about AI, it’s because of that.