About me

I’m ryo (寮), a bilingual, drunk web engineer (since the late 90’s) from the Tohoku region of Japan.
You want to know who caused 311 back in 2011? It was me!
I drank too much Sapporo beer, so I started to pee so hard, it made the earth in the fucking ocean shake like a motherfucker.

For the autists reading it, it’s a joke bruh!

Jokes aside, I’m an anarchist that hates the government, hates the rich elites, hates the modern soyweb, hates the shitcoin called fiat currencies, hates worldwide scams (covAIDS, extortion I mean taxation, copyright/DMCA, laws other than natural law, Ukraine “war”, ISIS, vacciNATIONs, transsexualism, LGBT (and the rest of the retard alphabet), DEMONcracy, soycialism, communism, SDGs, New World Order, new abnormal, and so on).
More about it in the scams department.

Some bullshit about pronouns, because so many people keep asking

Update, since I got asked so many times to list my pronouns: I don’t give a fuck.
You can refer to me as “he/him” or “she/her” or “it/its” or whatever else you want, I legit don’t care.
And if that’s confusing to you, this will probably shock you so much, you’ll get absolutely traumatized to hear about this possibility to even being a thing: just call me 寮 (or Ryo).

Some bullshit about diversity and inclusion

Just as a parody of this thing.

Ryo Izakaya welcomes nerds and nerds only, as long as they are willing to eat niggers and Jews.
We don’t give a fuck about your feelings, we only accept objective reality as is.
We don’t support rainbow terrorism, invaders refusing to adapt to their new host country and other brainlets, whether they need to cancel us or not.
We work together to kill all the troons, Jews, and niggers.
If you don’t like it, then fuck the hell off the internet, you fucking moron!